Keep in mind that it took YEARS to age and damage our skin. When we hit our late 30's we start to see the effects of sun damage. Sun causes 85-90% of our skin concerns and issues. Billions have gone into the scientific & clinical research of skin & skin care products. We, in the Esthetics field, are now equipped with state of the art facial equipment, skin care products, and treatments to help combat biology.  With a, Progressive vs Aggressive approach, quality/long lasting result are seen in as little as 3 months.

Important Things To Remember

Home care products generate 80% of skin results

Wear sunscreen daily, a SPF of 30-45 is plenty, apply every 90 min while in the sun

Choose a quality skin care line | Wal-Mart brands produce Wal-Mart results

Add antioxidants like Vitamin C & E into daily regiments (antioxidants fight free radicals, free radicals cause skin damage)

Exfoliation and Toners should only be used 2x a week max. Chemical exfoliants like a toner / physical like a skin scrubber helps speed up the skins rejuvenating process

Corrective serums - concentrated, usually active, ingredients target your individual skin concerns on a deeper level, apply first after washing then moisturizer

Advanced facial treatments like a chemical peel, Micro-Needling or dermaplaning can play a great roll in achieving faster results

By age 30 a person produces 1% less collagen each year. By the age of 60 we’ve lost 30% of collagen in our body.


what is a chemical peel


A chemical peel is a process used to improve the appearance of the skin on the body. A chemical solution is applied to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the old skin. The new skin is also temporarily more sensitive to the sun.

  • Superficial or lunchtime peel: Alpha-hydroxy acid or another mild acid is used to penetrate only the outer layer of skin to gently exfoliate it. The treatment is used to improve the appearance of mild skin discoloration and rough skin as well as to refresh the face, neck, chest or hands.

  • Medium peel: Glycolic or trichloroacetic acid is applied to penetrate the out and middle layers of skin to remove damaged skin cells. The treatment is used to improve age spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles and moderate skin discoloration. It also can be used to smooth rough skin and treat some precancerous skin growths, i.e. actinic keratosis.

Chemical Peel Benefits

  • Brighten, lighten, tighten the skin

  • Collagen and Elastin producing

  • Helps minimize fine lines and rhytids (wrinkles)

  • Helps minimize hyperpigmentation

  • Helps even skin texture to smooth even tone

  • Immediate results as well as cellular ongoing reguvenation

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what is micro-needling (collagen induction)

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment in which tiny punctures are created in the skin using micro-fine needles (from 0.5 to 2 millimeters in diameter). This triggers the body's wound healing process, stimulating collagen and elastin production. O nce punctures are made, products applied topically (such as hyaluronic acid and vitamin C) are able to penetrate deeper into the skin in order to work more effectively = stronger skin.

Micro-Needing Benefits

  • helps to stimulate the production of new collagen, elastin, skins connective tissue and structural matrix responsible for smooth texture/elasticity

  • allows for active ingredients to penetrate into the 'epidermis' where they can begin to work quicker in the dermis

  • firms skin (the cellulite look) | lessens rhytids (wrinkles) | reduces pore size | minimizes "ice pick" acne excoriee' marks | minimizes any scar | minimizes stretch marks | lessens appearance of sun damage | helps stimulate hair growth on scalp

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what is derma-planing

Dermaplaning is an effective and safe exfoliation procedure.  It uses a sterile surgical scalpel to shave the surface of the skin to remove excess dead skin and peach fuzz hairs. The tool is held at a 45 degree angle and is brushed along the skin to remove the hair and skin cells.  It is generally a stand alone procedure, helping with deeper product penetration.  The results help the skin to look/ feel smoother and will reduces the appearance of acne scars. Dermaplaning is usually performed every three to four weeks.  The procedure generally will remove between two to three weeks of dead skin from the facial area.

People who suffer from acne or have excess oil should not have dermaplaning performed.

Dermaplaning Benefits

  • Removes soft facial hair that traps dirt and oils

  • Promotes smoother skin

  • Safe procedure for removing dead skin cells and “peachfuzz”

  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars

  • Diminishes the look of fine lines

  • Works on all skin types

  • Instant results and no downtime

  • provides deeper product penetration

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What is hyaluronic acid